When it comes to natural stone cleaning in Jacksonville, FL, do not leave anything to chance. If you make cleaning mistakes, you risk damaging your stone’s appearance. Fortunately, you can use a professional Jacksonville cleaning and home improvement service to protect stone surfaces across your home. 

If you want the best Jacksonville natural stone cleaning services, trust First Coast Home Pros. We make it easy to keep your surfaces neat, tidy, and beautiful. Contact us to learn more. 

Types of Natural Stone for Cleaning

Natural stone has a unique look that helps make a home pop. Along with this, it is durable, long-lasting, low maintenance, and sustainable. There are many types of natural stone used in homes, and these include:

  • Marble
  • Travertine
  • Granite
  • Slate
  • Terrazzo

Grease, soil, and contaminants can damage your stone’s appearance. Along with these things, a stain or spill can cause your stone to look worn out. As such, it is important to have your stone professionally cleaned at least every two years and professionally stained at least every three to four years. 

How to Clean Natural Stone

Natural stone is porous, which helps it absorb spills and stains. At the same time, there is no one-size-fits-all way to clean stone. How you clean stone depends on the type and grout. 

If you use a cleaning product that contains acid on stone, the consequences can be severe. Acid can burn stone, leaving brown spots that resemble rust. To protect against this issue, hire a specialized home services company

A Jacksonville natural stone cleaning services provider may use specialty cleaning products. The business considers what type of stone you want to be cleaned and goes over different options with you. From here, you can get the help you need to clean stone without the risk of long-term damage.   

Why You Should Use a Natural Stone Sealer

After you clean natural stone, apply a sealer to the surface. Doing so smooths the stone’s texture and surface tension. It can also help protect the surface against spills and stains.  

Any sealer you use should be breathable and designed to soak into the stone. This ensures the sealer can repel water beyond the surface layer. It is unlikely to leave a shine, sheen, or surface coating behind.

If you are unsure of how to use a sealer, help is available. First Coast Home Pros performs cleaning and sealing for many types of stones and backs our services with a 100% guarantee. To find out more, get in touch with us. 

Natural Stone Care Tips

For proper natural stone care, learn about your stone’s classification and composition. There are three classifications: sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous. Within these classifications, stones can be either calcareous or siliceous.

Classification and composition dictate what cleaning products you should use and the ideal care options. To maximize the lifespan of your stone, there are several best practices you can use on a regular basis. These include:

  • Utilize a natural cleaner, stone soap, or liquid dishwashing detergent with warm water to clean your surfaces. 
  • If you use any cleaning products, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 
  • Clean floors with a rag mop and all other surfaces with a soft cloth.
  • After you wash a surface, rinse it thoroughly with a soap solution, then use a soft cloth to dry it. 
  • When you rinse a surface, change the water you use frequently.  

Stone cleaning products may contain lemon, vinegar, or other acids that can damage your surfaces. Also, scouring products and creams contain abrasives that can scratch stones. Rust removers may leave trace levels of hydrofluoric acid (HD), which can dissolve rock. 

Stain Identification and Removal on Natural Stone

There can be times when a stain appears on your natural stone, and you have no idea how it got there in the first place. If this happens, figure out what type of stain is present. Here are three common types of natural stone stains:


This type of stain darkens the stone. To get rid of an oil-based blemish, you may need to use chemicals to dissolve it. This may require you to clean the stain gently with a soft liquid cleanser.


An organic stain is usually pinkish-brown in color. Chemicals may be needed to remove this type of stain from an indoor surface. If the source of the stain has been eliminated on an outdoor surface, the sun and rain may help remove the blemish.  


Examples of biological stains include those that come from algae, moss, or fungi. You may be able to remove these stains with a diluted cleaning solution. Or, a chemical product may be required for stain removal. 

If you are struggling with a stone stain, do not guess at the best way to get rid of it. Partner with a natural stone cleaning services company in Jacksonville. This allows you to receive answers to frequently asked questions and many others about how to clean stone stains. 

What to Look for in a Jacksonville Natural Stone Cleaning Services Provider 

Choose a provider that has an outstanding track record. To find out how a business performs, read through some of its customer reviews. Doing so gives you a good idea about what it is like to work with the business and if it can meet your expectations. 

Discuss your natural stone cleaning needs with a services provider. Ideally, company representatives will learn about you and your cleaning requirements. They can give you a personalized plan to keep your stone clean now and in the future. 

Get insights into all of the services for stone cleaning that a company offers. This allows you to evaluate different services and select ones that line up with your budget. You can use these services to improve your stone’s appearance or keep it looking great and get the most value out of your investment. 

Take Advantage of Jacksonville Natural Stone Cleaning Services

First Coast Home Pros commits the time, energy, and resources required to clean your natural stone. Our team can provide you with a complimentary stone cleaning estimate. To get started, contact us today.